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What is United

United is a cryptocurrency which allows people to make fast borderless transactions and purchase any goods and services, from low tier products such as groceries up to high tier products like real estate.

UNITED ecosystem makes it possible for cryptocurrency owners to start using their crypto in their daily life. Either the customer wants to invest their money into real estate, buy food from the local shop, or pay for service at a restaurant - United is designed to do just that!



As of today, we have already listed more than 300 apartment units to which all can be bought with United Tokens. Users can also list their Airbnb apartments or long term rental units and accept cryptocurrency as rent. Whoever wants to put their house, land or any other property type for sale, can do so as well. The only condition on the platform is that the seller needs to accept BTC or UTED as means of payment.

U-CUBE: is a crowdfunding platform what gives United more usability.

It gives you the possibility to Invest your Cryptocurrency into various projects and get two income streams instead of one!

Today anyone who owns United can invest it to real estate or Cryptocurrency trading bots and earn get weekly TRON payout in exchange.

United vs Stoic

It's almost impossible to predict which cryptocurrency will eventually emerge as the leader.

There is no guarantee that In 5 years, UTED would still even exist. Another faster and cheaper blockchain might capture the majority of developers, users, and capital. Or some critical failure of UTED might derail its progress.

Because the probability of guessing the winner is low, it's better to use a portfolio approach and buy all possible contenders, including UTED.

Stoic builds a portfolio by using hedge fund-grade quantitative research and AI to build a portfolio of crypto assets.

The algorithm analyzes price data, returns, volatility, correlations, and other factors to identify coins that are likely to go up. It then rebalances the portfolio daily to cut losses early and take profits regularly. Stoic is a great alternative to researching coins and trading manually.

Over 12,000 people already use Stoic to automate their crypto investing.

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