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What is Redecoin

Redev2 is built on top of the Ethereum code base, but has been forked to serve purposes beyond Ethereum. The main target group of this coin are people who do not like to be subject to the whims of traditional banking systems and want to avoid excessive fees associated with money transfers. Rede's primary priority is to eliminate boredom, which makes it an attractive choice for people looking for alternative ways to conduct financial transactions.

Rede's revolutionary STK system provides a unique method of confirming transactions. Unlike traditional cryptocurrencies, rede does not involve sending coins or creating numerous certificates. In the STK system, users register on the platform and link their Metamask wallet address. The system checks whether users have the required minimum balance in their accounts. Additionally, users need to install and configure a rede network node and provide a public IP address and open port 30304 for communication between rede nodes. The more nodes there are in the network, the more resistant it is to various attack attempts and the faster it can distribute transactions in the rede network.

Redecoin vs Stoic

It's almost impossible to predict which cryptocurrency will eventually emerge as the leader.

There is no guarantee that In 5 years, REDEV2 would still even exist. Another faster and cheaper blockchain might capture the majority of developers, users, and capital. Or some critical failure of REDEV2 might derail its progress.

Because the probability of guessing the winner is low, it's better to use a portfolio approach and buy all possible contenders, including REDEV2.

Stoic builds a portfolio by using hedge fund-grade quantitative research and AI to build a portfolio of crypto assets.

The algorithm analyzes price data, returns, volatility, correlations, and other factors to identify coins that are likely to go up. It then rebalances the portfolio daily to cut losses early and take profits regularly. Stoic is a great alternative to researching coins and trading manually.

Over 12,000 people already use Stoic to automate their crypto investing.

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