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What is HODL

$HODL is a decentralized finance (DeFi) project built on the Solana blockchain, aiming to provide people with a means to celebrate and take part in the HODL movement. The significance of HODL in the space is significant given the nature of the phrase and its virality. Its deep roots have spread from top to bottom within the space which deeply embeds it within crypto culture.

$HODL serves as a movement that aims to bring the crypto world together through exciting memes and community. Our token $HODL serves as a means for developing something special within the world of crypto which serves to rally people together towards a commonly understood and celebrated idea and cultural phenomenon.

The meme $HODL has become an iconic and widely recognized term in the cryptocurrency and blockchain community. Originating from a misspelling of "hold" in a Bitcoin forum post in 2013, the term has since evolved into a rallying cry for long-term investors in the crypto space. The meme has been embraced by enthusiasts and professionals alike, symbolizing the steadfast belief in the potential of digital assets and the resilience of the crypto market

The $HODL meme has transcended its original context and has been adopted as a symbol of resilience, determination, and conviction within the crypto community. It has become a lighthearted and relatable expression of the challenges and triumphs experienced by cryptocurrency enthusiasts, resonating with individuals who share a commitment to weathering the ups and downs of the market.

In addition to its social recognition, HODL also has significant connections to current influencers within the space and will form significant partnerships with other large projects alongside companies!

HODL vs Stoic

It's almost impossible to predict which cryptocurrency will eventually emerge as the leader.

There is no guarantee that In 5 years, HODL would still even exist. Another faster and cheaper blockchain might capture the majority of developers, users, and capital. Or some critical failure of HODL might derail its progress.

Because the probability of guessing the winner is low, it's better to use a portfolio approach and buy all possible contenders, including HODL.

Stoic builds a portfolio by using hedge fund-grade quantitative research and AI to build a portfolio of crypto assets.

The algorithm analyzes price data, returns, volatility, correlations, and other factors to identify coins that are likely to go up. It then rebalances the portfolio daily to cut losses early and take profits regularly. Stoic is a great alternative to researching coins and trading manually.

Over 12,000 people already use Stoic to automate their crypto investing.

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