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What is Bitget Token

Bitget Token (BGB) is the exclusive platform token for the centralized exchange Bitget and the decentralized Bitget Wallet ecosystem. As a utility token, it can be used for trading, paying transaction fees, participating in platform activities, and accessing perks.

The initial supply of BGB is fixed at 2 billion tokens, but 800 million BGB (40% of the total supply) were proactively burned by the Bitget team on December 30, 2024, reducing the total supply to 1.2 billion tokens, all of which are now in full circulation. Starting in 2025, Bitget plans to introduce a quarterly buyback and burn mechanism, transitioning BGB into a deflationary model.

Bitget Token (BGB) stands out by unlocking access to a wide range of benefits across Bitget's centralized and decentralized ecosystems. Current perks include token farming, earning passive income through staking, early access to high-potential projects on Bitget Launchpad and Launchpool, fee discounts, and exclusive VIP privileges.

Future use cases include on-chain trading, DeFi applications, gas fees, and project airdrop eligibility. Additionally, BGB enables payments with discounts via Bitget Pay and Card, offering premium benefits and expanded services. With its versatile applications, BGB enhances user experience and boosts adoption across Bitget's ecosystem.

Bitget Token (BGB) can be purchased directly on the Bitget exchange. BGB is also available for trading on Bitfinex and MEXC.

Bitget Token vs Stoic AI Crypto Trading Bot

Predicting which cryptocurrency will ultimately lead the market is almost impossible

There’s no guarantee that Bitget Token (BGB) will still dominate in 5 years. A newer, more efficient technology could attract the majority of developers, users, and capital. Alternatively, a critical flaw in Bitget Token’s (BGB) design or ecosystem could hinder its progress altogether.

Instead of trying to predict the winner, a smarter approach is to diversify with a portfolio of potential contenders, including Bitget Token (BGB).

This is where Stoic’s AI-powered crypto trading bot comes in. Stoic uses hedge fund-grade quantitative research and advanced algorithms to build and manage a portfolio of crypto assets. By leveraging its automated trading bot, Stoic analyzes price data, returns, volatility, correlations, and other factors to identify coins with high growth potential.

The AI crypto trading bot rebalances the portfolio daily, cutting losses early and taking profits regularly. This eliminates the need for manual research and trading, making Stoic one of the best crypto trading bots for investors looking for a hands-free solution.

Over 15,000 people already trust Stoic to automate their crypto investing with cutting-edge bot trading technology. Whether you're new to crypto or an experienced trader, Stoic offers a seamless way to participate in the market with AI crypto trading.

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