Q&A with Vlad, Product Owner of Cindicator's Analytical Products

Vlad Kazakov, Product Owner of Analytical Products at Cindicator, has answered questions from the community.

00:56 Web app

01:43 Visualisation of indicators  

01:56 Experiments  

02:40 What can be done to make Token Sale Review more appealing?  

03:35 Have you already added natural language processing to the Cindicator Bot? If not, when can we expect it?

03:51 Are you going to add different time frames for indicators shortly? For example daily, three-day and weekly time frames for the same cryptocurrency.

04:26 When are you going to add immediate notifications to the Cryptometer Bot

04:47 What is the ideal percentage (%) goal for the Cindicator Bot?

More Q&As are coming, follow our Twitter account to make sure you don't miss anything!

About Cindicator's analytical products

Cindicator's products for traders aim to improving trading strategies with Hybrid Intelligence market sentiment and predictive indicators on 100+ digital and regular assets.

The indicators are based on forecasts from a decentralised community of 130,000+ analysts enhanced with 30+ machine learning models and a neural network. All analytical products are access exclusively through CND, Cindicator's utility token.

We regularly release reports on the accuracy of Cindicator's products.