It’s been a minute

Dear friends and users,

It’s been nearly six months of silence from us, and we know many of you have been eagerly awaiting updates. Today, we’re excited to break that silence and share what has been happening behind the scenes. We’re ready to renew regular communications with you and have a wealth of big news and announcements on the horizon.

Last summer felt like a true winter for the crypto world. The market was stagnant, many companies were shutting down, venture capital investments slowed to a trickle, and people were leaving the market. Despite the challenging environment, we remained optimistic. We knew this period would pass and kept our focus on delivering the best product for our users, ensuring profitability, stability, and the security of our strategies.

Seasoned crypto veterans predicted a bull run in the spring, and we knew it was time to prepare. We went into a period of intense development, dedicating all our resources to enhancing our products from the inside out. Our team worked tirelessly to improve every aspect of our strategies, ensuring they would be ready to deliver maximum results when the market turned upward.

We’re proud to say that our efforts paid off. Our strategies have consistently remained profitable, generating up to 30% returns per month, depending on the chosen strategy. While we can’t dive into all the technical details, the results speak for themselves. Throughout this period, we kept you informed about significant changes, especially in security and risk management, through emails and newsletters, which received an overwhelming amount of feedback.

One of the major highlights of this period was our ability to maintain seamless operations and high profitability through the crypto winter, positioning ourselves perfectly for the bull run. Additionally, we expanded our external capabilities by integrating two new exchanges: KuCoin and Many of you have already noticed and connected to these platforms, with strategies performing successfully (quick note: depending on your location, might not be visible. If you encounter this issue, please reach out to our outstanding support team, and we’ll assist you with the connection manually).

The addition of new exchanges is a significant milestone for us. It expands our capabilities and offers our users more choices, enhancing comfort and flexibility. We believe that more options lead to greater satisfaction, and we strive to provide the best for our users.

So, what’s next for us together? We’re reviving our media presence and resuming regular communications. You can expect more articles on our blog, more engaging newsletters, and a revitalized community on all our social media channels.

We apologize for the brief period of silence, but it was necessary for us to focus, make substantial progress, and ensure a successful and profitable bull run for you. Now, we’re back in the spotlight with our heads held high.

Stay connected with us on social media and our blog, as we have exciting activities, contests, and a lot of news to share.

With love,

The Stoic Team