From 2nd Chainers Blockchain Week in Seoul: Killer Use Cases on Blockchain

From 2nd Chainers Blockchain Week in Seoul: Killer Use Cases on Blockchain

Last month Ksenia Semenova, our CBDO spoke at the 2nd Chainers Blockchain week in Seoul, South Korea. The conference is known to be Asia’s biggest blockchain week.

The event was hosted by Chainers and Korean media giant MTN.

Ksenia has joined the panel: What will be the number one killer use case in Blockchain 3.0? Together with David Park from Refereum, Geongi Moon from Haechi Labs, Daniel Yoon from Bytom, Vincent Li from CovaToken and Thomas B Cox from Strongblock she discussed:

  • The reason why most companies cannot show a killer use case so far.  
  • Will the gaming be the killer use case on blockchain 3.0?
  • Where does the potential lie for the use case on blockchain 3.0 beyond game?
  • How can we make sustainable growth in the blockchain industry?

Watch the highlights of the panel discussion:  

The Second Annual CHAINERS Blockchain Week (Two days Summit & One Week Business Tour ) was held by Chainers and Korea giant media group MTN.

The event was organised by Chainers Inc, a blockchain-focused business development & advisory service company in South Korea.

Korea MTN Group (Money Today Network Inc) also supported the conference. Founded in May 2001, owns an economic cable channel “Money Today”, covering finance, stock market, market analysis, real estate and other related news. It is considered one of the most trusted financial media in Korea.

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