Cindicator Capital is here


As was announced, in 2020, we've launched new products:

Hi, this is Mike and Yuri. We established Cindicator five years ago as a cyber and social ecosystem-driven company. Now we’re taking the next big step in the development of the Hybrid Intelligence ecosystem.

Today, we are announcing the launch of Cindicator Capital, the first quantitative crypto fund powered by Hybrid Intelligence. The fund provides access to investment strategies based on Hybrid Intelligence data as well as quantitative research.

The new entity is the crown of the Cindicator ecosystem. Cindicator Capital will gain access to Hybrid Intelligence products via a revenue sharing agreement, establishing a monetary motivational pool for the community of decentralised analysts and quants. CND tokens for payments from Cindicator Capital to Cindicator will be periodically acquired by the fund from the secondary market on exchanges at the expense of the fees generated by the fund. This additional rewards pool will strengthen the incentives to create even better products for CND token holders.

Our goal is to create the technological infrastructure for investment funds to fully utilise the value created by the Hybrid Intelligence ecosystem. Cindicator Capital is the first fund that will utilise it, helping to incrementally develop it before sharing it with other hedge funds.

We are developing Cindicator Capital as the first use case of a new format of asset management firms based on decentralised decision-making, paving the way for other hedge funds and investment managers to follow.

New values for CND token holders

We believe that the foundations of a new post-capitalism epoch are based on intelligently managing limited resources for the benefit of a shared ecosystem. The launch of Cindicator Capital is a step towards this vision and as such adds value to all current and future members of the Cindicator ecosystem:

1. Special terms of access to exclusive investment products

Cindicator Capital will only onboard investors who pass a whitelisting procedure, which guarantees the sustainability and symbiotic potential of the ecosystem. The Cindicator team used a similar procedure (with less stringent selection criteria) during the Token Sale.

CND token holders who are considered qualified investors will receive privileges to get through the whitelisting procedure and become Cindicator Capital investors.

Those who don’t qualify will be offered alternative ways of accessing investment products that are being developed (further details about this plan for Managed Accounts will be published later – stay tuned).

2. Higher quality of analytical products

The growing size of the rewards pool will increase the quantity and quality of analysts on the Cindicator Collective Intelligence platform, enabling various viral growth mechanics. In turn, greater competition and a higher number of data points should lead to analytical products of greater value. This will open access to more effective investment decision-making and will enable funds and individual traders to develop sustainable trading strategies.

3. New type of participant in token economy – now you’re part of the big game

The fund will act as a validator of the Hybrid Intelligence technology and will help to bring large financial players (institutional capital and other professional asset managers and funds that could access the technology infrastructure) into the CND token economy.

4. CND token economy circulation

Cindicator Capital kickstarts the processes of closing the loop of the circular token economy, adding the most important feedback loop for its participants: the link between the quality of the Hybrid Intelligence ecosystem’s output and the size of the financial profit generated through its use. The CND token will be used for these transactions between Cindicator Capital and the motivational pool for Hybrid Intelligence.

The full circle looks as follows:

  1. Analysts create valuable indicators →
  2. The quant team builds sustainable algorithmic strategies →
  3. The fund, which uses technological infrastructure as well as strategies and indicators, generates positive P&L and returns a share of the potential profit back into the ecosystem, increasing the motivational pool for analysts and quants →
  4. The quality of the output increases and the circle repeats.  

5. New types of CND utility

The introduction of new roles – such as Cindicator Capital’s large investors – as well as additional launches of hedge funds that will use trading infrastructure and Hybrid Intelligence will likely increase the competition for the long-term holding of CND, as this will be a criterion for gaining exclusive access.

Future of the CND token economy

The number of participants that will gain access to the full infrastructure will be limited in order to maximise the efficiency of the infrastructure’s utilisation.

In 2020 we plan to continue the expansion of the CND ecosystem:

1. Release new investment products (both for qualified and non-qualified investors);

2. Release new analytical and technological products;

3. Increase the quality of current products;

4. Launch a global marketing and business development plan to involve new participants in the token economy’s circulation from all over the world (China, US, Europe, Middle East, LatAm and India);

5. Continue movements towards the decentralisation of major ecosystem processes.

Next steps for Cindicator Capital

Cindicator Capital’s legal, technological, and investment infrastructure is ready. The fund is structured as a master-feeder vehicle and is ready to accept investments. We are starting the whitelisting, selection and onboarding of investors whose capital will be managed by Hybrid Intelligence.

If you want to submit to whitelisting and learn more about Cindicator Capital, please visit the new landing page.

The launch of Cindicator Capital introduces a new paradigm for decentralised asset management and you – whether you are a token holder, analyst or supporter – are a part of this.

Thank you for being an active member of the Cindicator ecosystem!

DISCLAIMER: This is a general communication for informational purposes only and is not and should not be construed as advice or a recommendation concerning any security or other asset, or an offer to sell, or the solicitation of an offer to buy, any security, product, service of Cindicator Capital, Ltd. (together with its relevant subsidiaries and affiliates, “Cindicator Capital”) or any fund for which Cindicator Capital serves as investment manager or general partner, whether existing or contemplated, for which an offer can be made only by such fund's confidential private placement memorandum and in compliance with applicable law. Cindicator Capital is not registered as an investment adviser with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. Past performance is not a guarantee of future performance.