A Year Since Cindicator’s Token Sale: Results, Progress, Plans

Exactly a year ago we welcomed 4,075 people to our new, decentralised team.

We had very clear goals for the token sale. First of all, we wanted to create a fair ecosystem for an innovative network organisation with many positive feedback loops and network effects that could improve every element of our company: technology, products, and business development. Additionally, we wanted to decentralise the model that utilises the value generated by Hybrid Intelligence instead of relying on the traditional B2B sales model.

Number of analysts: 10,000 → 116,000+

The token sale attracted a lot of attention and stimulated the organic growth of our collective intelligence platform. It took us nearly two years to get to the first 10,000 users and we managed to increase this by more than ten times in less than a year. A large, decentralised, and engaged community is one of the roots of Cindicator’s Hybrid Intelligence and the token sale was a major milestone for the growth of our platform. The ecosystem now has a strong positive feedback loop: the more analysts join the platform, the more intellectual data they contribute, the more valuable analytical products become, and the whole business strengthens, creating a healthy ecosystem.

Tokens held for accessing analytical products: 0 → 34%

As you know, all our analytical products and predictive analytics are available exclusively through the CND utility token. Just a year after the token sale, 34% of all CND tokens in distribution are held by traders who use it to access Hybrid Intelligence indicators. This makes CND the most widely used utility token in the world, as far as we’re aware. In fact, it’s probably one of the few (if not the only) case that validates the hypothesis that utility tokens can have true value for an ecosystem within the new economy.

Team members: 15 → 68

We have more than quadrupled the team, significantly expanding the scope of available skills. The community has also proven to be an important source of talent.

In our original post on Medium we outlined how we have achieved these two key goals and offered a glimpse of the future:

  • How the team expanded, both in sheer numbers and in scope;
  • The Collective Intelligence progress;
  • Machine Learning journey;
  • Analytical products development;
  • Extracting value from Hybrid Intelligence indicators;
  • And our plans for the future.

Read the full post on Medium.